Mirror Wealth Coaching took me through a process of auditing every facet of my life from a financial viewpoint in a most thorough yet gracious way. We developed my personal financial vision and goals, challenged my spending habits, dove into my debt issues, reviewed my investment risk appetite and mapped out my savings against my goals among other things. The program enabled me to have a full understanding of my personal financial space and compare it against what I wanted to achieve and the opportunities I had to do that.

Gibbs Mwaura: (My) Wealth Journey
After attending Mirror Wealth 101, my relationship with money has become more personal and intentional. I now see the ability and responsibility to create, grow and protect is in my hands.

Kezia Nyaga: Mirror Wealth 101
After completing the program, I am pleased that I have a budget that I stick to😊, I am out of debt ( praise be to God) and I am currently working on building my investment portfolio aligned to my vision.

Winnie Karanu: (My) Wealth Journey
I now budget (still working on perfecting it). Money is now my servant and not vice versa. Not chasing money any more. Living a life of integrity and purpose is more important (the money will follow me though! Lol )

Fiona Borus: Mirror Wealth 101
We already see a difference in our lives because now we have something to work on together as a family to get us to our goals and visions. We understand each other’s financial minds and now there’s less conflict.

Kami & Steve Kionga: (My) Wealth Journey
My monthly spending has reduced to more than half of what I used to spend. My money has assignments now. I now know why all this is worth it and I believe most of my ambitions can be achieved debt free with my well laid out plan.

Irene Wanyoike: Mirror Wealth 101
With my new money plan in place, I now make wiser spending choices. I used to eat out at least three times a week but have reduced that to once a week (because the foodie in me must still be allowed to thrive), and have learned how to enjoy quality time with my friends and family in ways that don’t always involve spending money. Two months after completing my wealth journey I also paid off my credit card debt, cut it in half, and called the bank to cancel the card. That was the best Christmas gift I received and I am 100% debt-free. Yay me!!

Kui Kihagi: (My) Wealth Journey
I’ve learnt that money is a tool to help achieve my purpose and I should be intentional with how I use it. Mirror Wealth 101 teaches you financial principles with the lens of God’s word in the Bible and it elevates your perception of money. It builds maturity. It’s necessary for growth!

Nduku Kitenge: Mirror Wealth 101
I have learnt I need to be more intentional when seeking to grow my money. There is much more to money than meets the eye. In order to be wealthy you must first seek to understand how to make and use money effectively.

Dennis Karaba: Mirror Wealth 101
I now appreciate money and it doesn’t control my life. I understand how I can use it as a tool to work for me instead of the other way round. And that it takes time to build wealth.

Esther Mwangi: Mirror Wealth 101
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Our Solutions

Money Rehab

Money Rehab is a one-on-one, customized, Biblebased, 10 week program that equips you with thetools you require to take get

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About Mirror Wealth Coaching

“Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks
intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does.
James 1: 23-25 (NIV)
Mirror Wealth Coaching is a platform that provides you with the tools and resources you need to live your WEALTHY life NOW. We will teach you how to create, grow and protect your wealth using financial principles that are:


because money isn’t complicated


because we want you to succeed NOW


because you are an individual

Bible based

because the Bible is the anchor of Mirror Wealth Coaching



About Noni

A magazine article about money.
That’s where my passion for personal finance started. Never mind that at this time,
I was a university student with no money.
“I want to help people manage their money.” Those are the words I spoke to myself
that day. Those are the words I am privileged to live out today as the Founder of
Mirror Wealth Coaching.
The journey to this role saw me immersed in the investment world, first as an
investment advisor with an investment bank and later on managing a wealth
management portfolio of over USD 7 million with one of the global banks, located in
Kenya.My career has also led me to heading the learning and operations
departments of a boutique fund manager. In this role I spearheaded impactful
initiatives from formulating learning initiatives to contributing to long-term
business development and compliance strategies as well as developing innovative
personal finance tools.
And this is what I have come to appreciate, personal finance is actually not about
money. It’s about people. It’s about giving people the tools and resources they need
to live the lives they dream about.
Hi, I’m Noni, and I would be honoured to guide you on your purpose driven wealth

From the Blog

Noni's Musings
