1. What was your view and relationship with money before joining Mirror Wealth 101?
Before joining Mirror Wealth 101, I knew money was something I needed but I feared might corrupt me. Coming to Mirror Wealth 101 helped me understand that I can make money my servant and use it for the betterment of myself and the world at large.
2. Did you have any concern about joining Mirror Wealth 101?
If yes, what put your fears to rest?
At first I thought it would take up more time than I was willing to spare but the impecabble time keeping that the program schedule relies on makes it easier to plan myself effectively.
3. What did you like most about Mirror Wealth 101?
I like the fact that it is founded on Godly principles giving money and wealth a moral perspective that is lacking in most wealth management classes.
4. What surprised you the most about Mirror Wealth 101?
The fact that we were having a wealth class in a venue that has the same level of class.
5. How has your view and relationship of money changed after completing Mirror Wealth 101?
I have learnt I need to be more intentional when seeking to grow my money. This I can do by reading more.
6. If you were to recommend Mirror Wealth 101 to your best friend, what would you say?
There is much more to money than meets the eye. In order to be wealthy you must first seek to understand how to make and use money effectively.
Your Turn:
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