1. What was your view and relationship with money before joining Mirror Wealth 101?
I didn’t really have one. I thought saving was the only way to grow wealthy and I didn’t invest much. I saved and didn’t assign any task to my money and hence ended up giving anyone who asked or just hoarded it in the bank.
2. Did you have any concern about joining Mirror Wealth 101?
If yes, what put your fears to rest?
Nope, I was so excited as this was the 1st class on money management that I had done. It took sacrifice to be there every day but it was worth it.
3. What did you like most about Mirror Wealth 101?
I liked the teachings on creating, growing and protecting wealth. Going in, I was ignorant about so many things . I didn’t know the Bible spoke so much on wealth and that the answers were right in front of me. Noni broke it down so simply, no judgment and now I am more equipped to be entrusted with more.
4. What surprised you the most about Mirror Wealth 101?
The focus was on purpose and vision. Initially that bugged me but by the end of the class I saw the importance . Most times we don’t want to ask ourselves hard questions like ‘what is my vision?, my mission?’ It has helped me say no to so many “deals” that would have destroyed me.
5. How has your view and relationship of money changed after completing Mirror Wealth 101?
I now budget (still working on perfecting it). Money is now my servant and not vice versa. Not chasing money any more. Living a life of integrity and purpose is more important (the money will follow me though! Lol )
6. If you were to recommend Mirror Wealth 101 to your best friend, what would you say?
I would recommend Mirror Wealth 101 to everyone. I would say have an open mind to it, you will learn so much and unlearn plenty more.
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