6 Questions: Irene Wanyoike

Irene Wanyoike

1. What was your view and relationship with money before joining Mirror Wealth 101?

I was genuinely very emotional towards my money. I’d receive and spend it all most of the time, and was constantly broke because of over spending on things I could actually live without.

2. Did you have any concern about joining Mirror Wealth 101?
If yes, what put your fears to rest?

I didn’t have any fears because of the point I was in my life. Starting my career, I knew I needed to have a plan going forward. I just didn’t know where to start but I knew I had to start planning for my money and reduce on the overspending.

3. What did you like most about Mirror Wealth 101?

The fact that it was very interactive and that Noni was very patient and understanding and did not restrain us to just one way of thinking. She took the time to understand each of our financial capabilities.

4. What surprised you the most about Mirror Wealth 101?

The fact that I was this misinformed about wealth. And that all these lessons have a basis in the Bible and are at work in the lives and works of the world’s billionaires. The correlation in principles were a big surprise to me.

5. How has your view and relationship of money changed after completing Mirror Wealth 101?

I can say I’m doing so much better. My monthly spending has reduced to more than half of what I used to spend.
My money has assignments now.
I now know why all this is worth it and I believe most of my ambitions can be achieved debt free with my well laid out plan.

6. If you were to recommend Mirror Wealth 101 to your best friend, what would you say?

Money is not emotional! Mirror wealth 101 will clearly highlight that for you..😊

Your Turn

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