1. What was your view and relationship with money before joining Mirror Wealth 101?
Every month I always ended up with more month than money. I used money as a means to acquire things and didn’t really stop to count the ‘cost’ of my decisions. I had a long season where I didn’t have a steady income and I had depleted all my savings and cashed out most of my investments.
2. Did you have any concern about joining Mirror Wealth 101?
If yes, what put your fears to rest?
Not at all. I learnt about it from a friend who went through the ‘My Wealth Journey’ program and I looked forward to the class.
3. What did you like most about Mirror Wealth 101?
The lessons were simple, and the principles were sound! I especially enjoyed learning about the importance of connecting your money to your vision in life. Each lesson challenged me to really think through my financial decisions .
4. What surprised you the most about Mirror Wealth 101?
That it was a lot of hard work and brought about a significant amount of soul searching.
5. How has your view and relationship of money changed after completing Mirror Wealth 101?
I’ve learnt that money is a tool to help achieve my purpose and I should be intentional with how I use it.
6. If you were to recommend Mirror Wealth 101 to your best friend, what would you say?
Mirror Wealth 101 teaches you financial principles with the lens of God’s word in the Bible and it elevates your perception of money. It builds maturity. It’s necessary for growth!
Your Turn
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