Paul: The Zealot Paul, was an all or nothing person. And more often than not, he was an “all in” type of guy. If he set his mind on something, he did it, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Challenges did not paralyse his progress, rather they propelled him further into the vision God Read More
Visionaries: The Apostles
John: L.O.V.E He called himself ‘the disciple Jesus loved’. Not because Jesus loved him more than the other disciples, but because he chose to intentionally plug into the love that was available to him, to the other 11 as well as to you and me. This intentional decision he made led to revelations about love Read More
Visionaries: The Apostles
Peter: The Imperfect Leader ‘God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called’, so the saying goes. Often times however, we find ourselves waiting on the precipice of destiny. Waiting, not because of inability or inadequacy, but because of imperfection. “I just need to work on (fill in the blank), then I will be Read More
Visionaries: Sons of the Promise
Caleb: Courage Defined It takes courage to live out the life God has written for you. It takes courage to embrace His vision for your life and commit your life to it. Caleb understood this and in so doing shows us the definition of living courageously. I. Courage of Identity -not one except Caleb son Read More
Visionaries: Sons of the Promise
Joshua: Yes & Amen ‘Yes & Amen’. These are not just words, they are a committment. They mean you are in agreement. And when they are used in regards to vision, they are a surrender. A surrender to your dreams, your desires and your will. And an acceptance to God’s will, no matter the cost Read More
Visionaries: The Prophets
Moses: Peek-a-Boo “Peek-a-boo, I see you!” So goes the game. A game that is played not only with babies, but is highly popular with many of us who are trying to evade God’s vision for our lives. This was the case with Moses. A lot can be said of Moses. But, for today, we choose Read More
Visionaries: The Royals
Jonathan: Your Will Be Done your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Matthew 6:10 On paper, Jonathan ticked off all the qualities required for a king. And not just any ordinary king, a great king. Read More
Visionaries: The Royals
David: The Price of Greatness IV One of the things I love about King David is his flaws. We have been trained to look at greatness through the eyes of perfection. When in reality, perfection is an impossibility on this side of heaven. Noone exhibits this union of imperfection and greatness, in my opinion, better Read More
Visionaries: The Royals
David: The Price of Greatness III 4. The Wait On his journey to being the greatest king Israel ever had, David had to embrace “the wait”. What is “the wait”? This is the period that exists between the promise of the vision and the fulfillment of the vision. Read More
Visionaries: The Royals
David: The Price of Greatness II 3. The Great Chase David was riding high. He had done the impossible. The king took more notice of him and his family (1 Samuel 17:57-58). Prior to this time, he was merely one of Saul’s servants who played the harp when Saul was in distress, in addition to Read More