Inconsistently Consistent

Inconsistent Consistent
Consistent. That was my word for 2021. Consistent. That is my aspiration. Consistent in my work, my values, my relationships, my service, my is-ness. Inconsistent. What I have been in 2021, so far. But to my defense, my inconsistency has been consistent 😂
“How do you balance it all?” This is a question that is usually asked of high achieving women who are seemingly balancing the demands of career and family. For some time, this question has been seen as “anti-feminist” for the mere fact that it is not often asked to men. But this is the very situation I now find myself in. Not because I have a family of my own, but because I am struggling with fully showing up in the different facets of my life. And that includes Mirror Wealth Coaching.
I’m a runner. When things get too difficult, when I no longer feel like I can control something…I run. Out of sight, out of mind, they say. Except that running takes effort and energy…and that which you are running from ends up being a pace setter you can’t really escape from.
And that’s where I have been with Mirror Wealth Coaching. My love for it is undeniable. If anything it really is my love. But I have been struggling with showing up fully week after week, month after month, year after year.
Because I am tired. Mentally tired. And if my past is anything to go by, I never want to reach a place mentally where I feel like I have no exit, no breathing space, no rest. I want to acknowledge it to myself when I no longer have the mental bandwidth to keep fighting and I just need to rest.
So that is what I have been doing. Resting. No blog posts, no newsletters, few social media posts. And willing to accept the consequences of my Mirror Wealth Coaching rest.
So just in case you have been popping in here and wondering ‘what had happened’…now you know â˜º
That said, even without my constant posting, I believe the resources here – from the previous posts to the mini-courses – will be of great use to you, your family and friends. So please gobble it all up!

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