I signed up for financial coaching with Noni (Mirror Wealth Coaching) because I was that person who knew more about spending money than managing it. I knew all about budgeting having once managed my department’s budget where I once worked but had never actually followed, or even written, a personal budget. While I did have enough sense to save some money every month, my financial investment style was haphazard, uninformed, and inconsistent. I also had a little credit card debt and very rarely thought about my future. I’ve always happily approached life a-day-at-a-time, but I know now that when it comes to planning for one’s future, especially where finances are concerned, one has to have specific goals and be deliberate about meeting those goals.
The coaching was the wake-up call I needed. Because of its holistic format, beyond the basic assessment of assets versus liabilities, the first few classes involve actual documentation of one’s life goals. If, like me, you’re prone to having your head in the clouds when it comes to planning for your future, those classes will give substance to your dreams. Once I had figured out what my goals were, I then got to “count the cost” as far as the resources (finances, time, people, and skills) needed to meet each one. Noni had me take up the practice of writing a time plan for each day. It’s interesting to learn just how much time one wastes with unnecessary activities when they could be using that same time to learn a new skill, build a relationship, work on a hobby, or spend quiet time with God in His Word and prayer.
It wasn’t easy in the beginning as I had to unlearn old and useless habits, and take up new and beneficial practices that would then become habits. I kept asking Noni when she would get to the part where she told me what to do with my money and gave me a plan. I figured it would be a lot easier for me if she just gave me instructions to follow. I guess it was my way of avoiding the introspection I had to do. Thankfully, she didn’t take my whining and complaining seriously! Because of the curriculum’s structure, the financial plan is the very last step after one has taken stock of their present situation,written and committed to their life goals, and made time and money plans for how to achieve those goals.
The best part about the coaching is that EVERYTHING is based on scripture. Every lesson is built around a Bible verse – the mirrors – and every weekly assignment will require one to spend quiet time with God. After all, who best to let you in on your life’s purpose and plans than your heavenly Father? The spiritual growth was not so much an added bonus as it was the icing on the cake.
Noni is a fantastic coach who combines her knowledge and experience in the financial and investment sectors with her knowledge of the Bible and delivers a course that can only have been designed by the Holy Spirit. She is wise beyond her years, so patient, and very firm so no chance you will get away with making excuses for poor money or time habits.
I completed my wealth journey in October 2017. With my new money plan in place, I now make wiser spending choices. I used to eat out at least three times a week but have reduced that to once a week (because the foodie in me must still be allowed to thrive), and have learned how to enjoy quality time with my friends and family in ways that don’t always involve spending money. Two months after completing my wealth journey I also paid off my credit card debt, cut it in half, and called the bank to cancel the card. That was the best Christmas gift I received and I am 100% debt-free. Yay me!!
After ticking off some of my short-term goals, I am taking steps to achieve my medium- to long-term goals and I’m genuinely excited about them because they are well within my reach by the grace of God and sound management of the resources He has blessed me with. I also learned that building wealth isn’t about depriving oneself of good things – yes to entertainment, travel, and shopping – but about stewardship.I’m now equipped to steward my financial resources and make choices that allow me to grow financially and still treat myself to the things I enjoy.
Mirror Wealth Coaching isn’t just for financial coaching. To me, it was life coaching that empowered me to chart my plans, get deeper into the Word of God, stop making excuses and waiting for life to happen to me. It’s a 7-week investment that will pay dividends for the rest of my life.